Navigating the Upcoming Artificial Intelligence Landscape in Oncology
Hermitage Hotel, Nashville, April 25, 2024

AI is coming so fast, and we don’t think this is a fad – it is the future.  We need to embrace this technology and figure out all of the aspects of how we implement it into our daily workflows, from clinical decisions to administrative duties.  What are the ethical and legal ramifications we need to think about, as there is very little precedent currently on AI in the healthcare support space.  We will discuss all of this and our thoughts on what this complicated but intriguing roadmap could look like.

You’ll find the recordings from this event on this page. We broke each agenda item into a separate video for easy viewing. Send a note to Don Sharpe ( if you have any questions or comments.

A Review of Current AI Applications in Oncology

Speaker: Larry Bilbrey

Panel Discussion: The Promise of AI in Precision Oncology

Panel: Neha Jain, PhD, Bobby Reddy, MD, Hassan Naqvi, PhD

Ethical and Legal Concerns Associated with AI

Speaker: Natalie Dickson, MD

Panel Discussion: The Role of AI in Clinical Decision Support

Panel: John Philllips, MD, Natalie Disckson, MD, and Andy Corts

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